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trump can win

Trump Can Win - Former President Donald Trump announces his third presidential run from his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach on Nov. 15. AP Photo/Andrew Harnick

Politics Donald Trump is running again. Can he win? "He's making the announcement at a very difficult time politically," said political analyst Shauna Shames.

Trump Can Win

Trump Can Win

Former President Donald J. Trump, who lied about losing the 2020 election due to rampant voter fraud, wants his old job.

Sorry, America, But Trump Can Actually Win

“I am announcing my candidacy for the presidency of the United States tonight to make America great and glorious again,” Trump told a crowd at his Mar-Lago estate in Florida on Tuesday night.

His presidency, even the Republican nomination - after seeing the promised "red wave" after the midterm elections turn into a "red drop" for the GOP, nothing is guaranteed, political scientists say.

"He's presenting at what I think is a very scary time for him politically," says Shauna Shames, visiting political science professor at the College of Arts and Sciences. "He made Republicans pay big bucks, and I think everyone can see it."

Political pundits and advisers in GOP circles blame Mr Trump for the midterm defeat of the president's chosen Republican candidates. Trump's backed candidates in key states including Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York and Wisconsin all lost to their Democratic opponents in the Nov. 8 elections.

Column: How Trump Can Win

Additionally, many major networks, including the conservative bastion Fox News, have chosen to moderate or completely avoid coverage of Trump's announcement that he will run again.

President Joe Biden, a Democrat, has not officially announced that he will seek re-election in 2024, but he has said he wants to.

TODAY: We've seen Generation Z running for the Democratic nomination in droves. Do you expect to have the same effect in 2024?

Trump Can Win

Shy: I hope so. I think Gen Z is more political than previous generations. I think there is an early awareness that politics in their lives is important to this generation. And this may be related to the serious threats facing this generation, such as climate change and gun violence. So my guess is it will come back based on what we saw in 2020 and what we saw last week. t also depends on the purpose of the campaign and who is running for the Democratic Party. If someone younger and more popular runs against Biden [in the Democratic primaries] and loses, it could capture the attention of Gen Z voters. We saw that happen in 2016.

Relax, Donald Trump Can't Win

TODAY: What does Trump or Biden (if they seek re-election) need to do to win this block?

Shame on you: Some of the polls are on Trump's side. There are more men than women, especially among young, conservative white men and some white women. The small conservative party is the voice of a small part of the electorate, the voice of the voters, I think will come out. And the question to me is about progress, which is a big part of the generation. Will they show up? High voter turnout in this generation will destroy the stalwart Democratic Party. A lot of politics to me is about conversion. Two old white boys yelling at each other on a debate stage is not very interesting to my students. Not seeing their country reflected in politics can sometimes mean they want to leave politics. And it's important that they don't.

Today: What about white women, another voting group? We've seen other Republican candidates where they voted for Trump in 2016 and endorsed by Trump in 2022. Could Trump vote for them again in 2024?

Shame on you: White women are so divided by age and education level that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to vote Democrat. And what we saw in last week's midterm was that the biggest motivation for [their] vote was the fight against abortion. I think the Republican Party has vastly underestimated the depth of the connection with women's lives. In fact, it is the story that shapes every woman's life. Because they worry about their daughters, grandchildren, sons and grandchildren whose lives may be changed by unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. So I think there is a strong cadre of older white women criticizing Trump. I don't think he's believable as a white woman. I hope Republicans realize it's no big deal to them. At least in the way they are inflexible and ban abortion under any circumstances. The majority of the world doesn't agree with that. That's clear.

Do You Buy That … Trump Can Win In 2020 By Relying On The Midwest?

TODAY: More broadly, what does Trump's candidacy mean for the Republican Party? Are you still Trump's party?

Shame: It wasn't Trump's party. Let's be clear: he won the 2016 primary as a minority candidate, and he won the 2016 election not because of the popular vote, but because of how the Electoral College works. His popularity was very low throughout his administration. I don't think the party liked having him as their leader. They certainly used him to pass some laws and I think Republicans liked having the White House but didn't always like him. And the feeling was the same. So the question is, how strong is Trump's party compared to other groups? And can he unite several different political parties under the MAGA banner? It looks logical. he's done it before The middle term showed his weakness to many in his party. It's unlikely he will become an ambassador. Political parties must eliminate extremist ideas or those who do not support the party. I think most Republicans support the rule of law and democracy. I don't think it's a party that supports much of what Trump stands for. So my hope is that cold heads win. Donald Trump's nomination for president at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was the end of a first campaign that overturned politicians' expectations and expectations. Now targeting the general election, Trump has set himself a higher goal that the Republican Party has been out of reach for more than 20 years: winning his home state of New York.

Recent polls, opinion polls, and basic voter trends show that New York needs equal support from both Republicans and independents to defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump seems reluctant to do this.

Trump Can Win

Trump's plan, announced in May, would focus on 15 states in the general election, including traditional states like Ohio, Michigan and Virginia, as well as strong Democratic districts like California and New York. Since then, Clinton has maintained a steady double-digit lead in New York polls, and the latest Quinnipiac University poll, released on Tuesday, gave Clinton a slightly smaller 47-35 percent lead over previous polls. The election model book FiveThirtyEight gives Clinton a 97.1% chance of winning.

Trump Can't Win After This — Can He?

But Trump and his party seem to be unaffected by the electoral process, instead claiming that he won the New York elections in April as evidence that the United States will hold elections soon. They say Trump is obviously not to be taken lightly and there are months left until his Election Day.

"If we take New York where we need to go, we will change American history," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday. at the New York Republican Breakfast. Cleveland Ambassador. Along with his early success nationally, including in New York, Trump's New York pedigree and decades-long presence in city life seem to give him and his supporters confidence.

"The win in New York really helped sort things out." Republican Chris Collins, who represents New York's Western 27th District and was the first member of Congress to endorse Trump, told the State of Politics. "New York is playing."

Mr. Collins talks about Mr. Trump's victory in the New York Republican primary, where he won 60 percent of the vote in every district except Manhattan, Mr. Trump's home, which went to Ohio Governor John Kasich. This is a much higher percentage than Clinton's victory in the Democratic primary, which also calls New York his home, where Clinton won 58% of the vote against just one opponent (4 Republicans including Trump, Casey Chi, and Ted Cruz). number of people). And Ben Carson who fell

Can Donald Trump Still Win The Us Election? Absolutely, Yes

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