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trump chris christie

Trump Chris Christie - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, left, stands with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during a campaign rally in Lawrenceville, N.J., on Thursday, May 19, 2016. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gave a thank-you gift Thursday to the man who risked the most to support him, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Trump Chris Christie

Trump Chris Christie

Mr Trump launched a fundraiser claiming that Mr Christie would pay off all the debts he owed during the presidential campaign.

Chris Christie's Excruciatingly Bad Interview On Donald Trump

The fundraiser, held at the National Guard Arsenal in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, had all the hallmarks of a typical Donald Trump rally. A big flag, a barricade of reporters, a soundtrack filled with Elton John and the Rolling Stones...the only thing missing was Trump's usual overflow crowd.

Surrounded by his wife and his three of his four children, Christie voted to "officially top Trump as the Republican candidate for president of the United States" in state primaries on June 7. said he hopes to get a delegate.

Christie said the two were once rivals but chose to side with the business mogul because of their personal friendship, he told his wife. And Donald Trump is my friend. "

Christie pulled out of the presidential race after a disappointment in New Hampshire and became one of Trump's most prominent supporters with a surprise endorsement in February. He has nominated him to chair the transition effort, and his name frequently comes up as a potential vice-presidential candidate.

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Trump took the stage after Christie to announce that the event — a $200 down payment fundraiser that attracted about 1,000 people — had paid off most of Christie's nearly $250,000 presidential campaign debt.

"And Chris, can't you even give him a table and a seat? That sucks - he joked. Trump tilted his head back as if to praise Christie, but behind Trump The governor, whose expression was mercilessly ridiculed as he stood on the stage, had already left the stage.

Trump delivered his usual disparaging speech, sprinkled with local praise. Trump usually reads negative stats about the economy wherever he visits, but his stats on Thursday sounded like Christie's speech praising the state's economic improvement.

Trump Chris Christie

He also spoke of the debate in which Christie replaced Florida Senator Marco Rubio. "He looked like Perry Mason that night," Trump recalled.

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Yet, at one point, Trump joked about Christie's when he said he was boycotting Nabisco for offshoring.

"I don't eat Oreos anymore. So did Chris. You don't eat Oreos, right? That's for all of us," he said, causing a roar of laughter from the audience.

Trump also noted that an EgyptAir plane crashed into the Mediterranean early Thursday morning. The plane flew out of the sky. Anyone who thinks it wasn't blown out of the sky is 100% wrong. "

Egyptian and Russian officials said the plane may have been shot down by terrorists, but investigations have just begun and the cause has yet to be determined.

Chris Christie And Donald Trump Can't Stop Arguing Over Who's More Repellant To Voters

The event included George's $25,000 per person for state Republicans to pay the approximately $500,000 legal fees incurred in response to subpoenas from Congressmen over his Washington Bridge scandal in 2013. It also included a fundraiser for Any event that has occurred.

Manafort, who Trump appointed as chairman of the convention in late March, will carry the title of campaign chairman and chief strategist, spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed Thursday. On Friday, two New Jersey governors endorsed the president. I endorsed Governor John Kasich of Ohio. Governor Chris Christie endorsed Donald Trump. Anyone who has served as governor knows that Trump lacks the temperament and experience of being president. Christie knows the kind of demagogue he's allied with. No position, even Attorney General or Vice President, which he might have been promised in return, justifies such a manifest waiver of personal judgment for the sake of political calculation.

Many have happily embraced Trump's toxicity, racism, sexism, and reckless slander of those who disagree with him under the guise of "speaking the truth." But Trump's flashy appeal is nothing more than a sophisticated form of marketing bragging. He's a trickster whose "strength" is actually a deep and dangerous weakness.

Trump Chris Christie

By cutting taxes, deregulating, and balancing the budget, my candidate turned Ohio's $8 billion deficit into his $2 billion surplus that cities and counties were coveted for. We made it possible to reinvest in basic infrastructure. Christie's choice disdains this conservative approach to budgeting and growth, instead offering a series of bankruptcies and a cat-and-mouse game over his taxes.

Scoop: Christie Applauded After Bashing Trump At Gop Governor Meeting

The Christie man is setting a record for hypocrisy, promising to bring back American jobs while avoiding a court settlement against the systematic hiring of illegal foreign workers. Trump's clothing lines are produced in those two countries, despite his criticism of how much they are "losing" Mexico. , the private sector has been able to create over 400,000 jobs in Ohio in the last four years alone.

The man I chose rolled up his sleeves to bring down the complex healthcare monster to the ground. Christie's says it intends to further destroy our broken healthcare system.

My candidates look at the drug addicts and the poor and know that by halting their decline and regaining their potential, their lives will be transformed and their budgets and economies strengthened. Christie's ridicules disabled people and women who challenge him as surely as he denigrates war heroes and entire religious groups. Those who oppose him are literally dragged out of his existence - that is the opposite of strong.

Trump yells so loud that no one questions how he will dismantle statutory programs or circumvent the congressional and federal labor force he cannot fire. It claims to strike a balance, which countless candidates argue. As a nation, we must be clear that we are not fooled by his rhetoric.

Chris Christie Is Making His Move For The White House. Job One Is Attacking Donald Trump.

One of Trump's accomplishments is his outlandish rhetoric that boosted the media's reputation. Because it's often impossible to tell these primaries from reality TV shows, media outlets across the country have cut their jobs short. is not allowed.

Arguably, the only thing Donald Trump's nomination will produce is Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidency. If the idea of ​​a Hillary president bothers you, choose to support a governor who has shown that he can actually lead a state and make people's lives better. Don't be fooled by Donald Trump, or Chris Christie's desperate opportunism.

Ideas hosts the world's leading voices commenting on news, social and cultural events. We welcome external contributions. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. Donald Trump has offered New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie the job of vice president, a source confirmed to CBS News. But just days before the Republican National Convention, Trump backed out of his deal after being persuaded by others in his inner circle to do otherwise.

Trump Chris Christie

The New York Post first reported that the undecided Trump first settled on Christie after the governor of New Jersey filed the latest lawsuit against Trump on July 12.

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Christie, the first former presidential candidate to win Trump's endorsement after suffering a slump in the New Hampshire primary, has played a key role in the preconvention campaign — a prominent donor and potential Reach out to your supporters.

Manafort arranged for Trump to meet with his top candidate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, on July 13. Trump and Pence then planned to fly to New York together to make an official announcement, election sources said of Manafort's thoughts.

What The New York Times previously reported as a "lucky coincidence" was actually a quick political ploy masterminded by the dismissed election official.Determined to change Trump's mind, he They made up the story that there was a mechanical problem with Trump's plane that put the would-be Republican nominee to sleep in Indianapolis on Wednesday morning to have breakfast with the Pence family.

Shaken by Pence's aggressive performance, Trump agreed to resign Christie the next day and make Pence his running mate, according to sources.

Donald Trump Reportedly Has Chris Christie Pick Up His Mcdonald's Orders

But another source with first-hand knowledge of the situation says Trump's son-in-law and key adviser, Jared Kushner, has made the final move to seal Pence's fate and expel Christie. claims that

As US Attorney General, Christie sent Kushner's father to prison in his 2009.

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